This, mixed with the introduction of the Lucrehulk-Class Cargo Haulers pushed these freighters out of the mainstream. Haor Chall Engineering solved the Trade Federation's problem by creating the C-9979 Landing Craft- cheaper landing craft designed specifically for the armies of the Trade Federation. The additions and modifications to an already pricy craft were deemed too expensive. Though these craft were capable of adapting to the changes quite easily, they were hardly cost effective. When the Senate approved legislation allowing corporations to assemble and maintain their own anti-piracy security forces, the Trade Federation used it as an opportunity to create armies of Battle Droids and began retrofitting their cargo vessels to act as warships. This medium freighter was a mainstay of the Trade Federation fleet decades before the Invasion of Naboo. These cargo freighters were a relic left over from a time before the Trade Federation was controlled by the Neimoidians.

During the invasion of Naboo, nearly all the C-9979 Landing Craft are operated entirely by OOM-Series Battle Droids during the Clone Wars, B1-Series Battle Droids are more common.Homebrew Reference Book: Clone Wars Saga Edition Fan Sourcebook - Vehicles and Vessels The C-9979s themselves also break down easily for transport aboard Trade Federation Capital Ships their wings can be detached and stored alongside the main body of the Landing Craft.Īlthough the C-9979 can be crewed by organic beings, it is more cost-effective to use Battle Droids.

Later, they pledge their entire fleet of C-9979s to The Confederacy of Independent Systems.Īs Landing Craft, the C-9979s are very functional, carrying over 150 Ground Vehicles of different types in massive storage racks and quickly deploying them via computerized repulsor tracks, through the central staging area and down the boarding ramp, located in the C-9979's landing pedestal. When Haor Chall Engineering builds thousands of C-9979 Landing Craft for the Trade Federation, nominally for "Security Purposes," the Trade Federation wastes no time in using them in their invasion of Naboo. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Clone Wars Campaign Guide